RMarkdown is a powerful tool for producing documents with embedded R code, allowing you to easily reproduce analysis and greatly simplify your data-driven workflow. It can be used to generate dynamic reports, presentations, journal papers, and even your thesis!
The presentation was designed to provide a whistle-stop tour of the benefits of RMarkdown, explaining the basic syntax to get started and highlighting some of the more advance things which you could use RMarkdown for.
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Useful Links
Reading is essential to gain a full understanding of RMarkdown. The following links are recommended within the presentation.
RMarkdown Detailed Guidance
- RMarkdown Website: Essential reading: used for much of the content of this presentation
- Knitr Code Chunk Options: the full list of commands which can be used to control code output for the chunks
- YAML PDF Settings: a full list of commands which can be used to control the output of PDF documents (LaTeX) within RMarkdown.
Cheat Sheets
- RMarkdown Cheatsheet: A very reference sheet. Print this out and have above your desk when you start learning RMarkdown.
- RMarkdown Reference: similar to the cheatsheet, but provides more detail surrounding the customisation and documents settings.
- bookdown: authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown. Essential reading for those who are considering to use the sotonthesis package.
- Dynamic Documents with R and Knitr: a useful read for both new and advanced RMarkdown users. The first three chapters here.
- Reproducible Research with R and Rstudio: a more general book about the techniques behind reproducible research. Although published in 2015, the book does feel a bit out of date in some areas, although largely it is an excellent resource.
Other Presentations:
- Reproducible Research: a great presentation which provides more details on the reproducible research aspects of this presentation.
sotonthesis package
The presentation introduced the package sotonthesis, which is a template designed to create documents within RMarkdown in line with the University of Southampton Thesis template.
- sotonthesis R package:
- sotonthesis empty template: View an example of the template of the sotonthesis template.
While the template is designed to minimise edits made by the user, it is recommended that you read the bookdown and have a strong understanding of RMarkdown.